Dental Cleanings
Scheduling regular dental cleanings and check-ups is an important aspect when it comes to not just your oral health, but your overall health and wellness. Taking care of your teeth ensures that other, more serious dental conditions like gingivitis don’t occur. Gingivitis is when plaque, tartar, and other bacteria accumulate on your gums and around your teeth due to eating and drinking every day. If this build-up is left unattended, gingivitis can give rise to constant inflammation and bloody gums. To avoid such health detriments, set up a dental cleaning and a checkup in Saskatoon today!
Why book Regular Dental Check-ups?
In conjunction with brushing your teeth two to three times each day, flossing and attending your periodic dental cleanings in Saskatoon are some simple yet extremely effective ways to preserve your oral health. This will also help prevent ailments such as fillings, root canals and exposed roots, gum disease and, in extreme cases, oral cancer from manifesting.
A routine check-up with our hygienists and dentists includes screening for any irregularities, gum build-up, and an examination of your habits like nighttime grinding. If you have any concerns, immediate or not, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Book a Dental Cleaning in Saskatoon today!
Dental cleanings are a necessary part of taking care of yourself; after all, self-care, be it your oral health, mental health, or emotional health, all contribute to keeping you happy. Brushing your teeth after breakfast, lunch, and dinner are crucial to avoid unhealthy bacteria from growing in your mouth and harming your teeth and gumline. However, looking after your teeth on your own at home only goes so far. With that said, dental experts recommend booking teeth cleaning two times a year at the very least.
Fortunately, booking a dental cleaning has never been quicker or easier! At Lakewood Dental here in Saskatoon, we look forward to assisting you with your dental cleanings and any other needs you may have. Come in for a visit or call – whatever works best for you! We are here to answer all your queries about the services we offer here at our Saskatoon location, including dental cleanings, mouth guards and sealants, cosmetic surgery, restorative dentistry options, and insurance coverage.
Our certified dental professionals right here in Saskatoon will make sure you’re comfortable and well taken care of.